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Hit : 3132 RegDate : 2020.03.25
★ [COVID-19] (Extended) 2020 Spring Class Operational Measures(~Sat. April 4) Detail view
★ [COVID-19] (Extended) 2020 Spring Class Operational Measures(~Sat. April 4)

Chungbuk National University is announcing ‘[COVID-19] 2020 Spring semester Class Operational Measures’ have been extended until Sat. April 4, 2020 as follows:

All students will be required to take all alternative classes according to each lecturer’s updated syllabus.


- Important Notes -

○  In line with non-face to face class for Mar. 16 ~ 27, we have extended it a week more for Mar. 30 ~ April 4.

- Each professor will update their syllabus of 3rd week until Mar. 27, so please go check out the updated syllabus on GaesiNuri system(CBNU Information system) (

○ Non-face-to-face class

Type of class





Mar. 16

April 4, 2020

Students will study with the uploaded materials created by the professors such as video clips, PPT with narration, relevant video links and any type of videos including live streaming.

Online Community Lecture

The class in online community(Kakao Talk, Nate on etc.) will be done as originally scheduled based on the original timetable.

Assignments Replacement

Students will receive assignments from professors, feedback/test in this platform and their weekly attendance confirmed.

Supplementary (Makeup)


Refer to the announced date for the makeup class

In terms of the lectures that can not be done in a

way of 「Remote lecture」, 「Online community lecture」 or 「Assignments replacement」 such as experiment class, arts and craft subjects will not be open until the face-to-face class becomes possible.


○ Even though it is a non-face-to-face lecture, students’ attendance will be strictly managed according to the method suggested by each lecturer in charge.


○ All classes will immediately switch to the offline class as soon as COVID-19 eases down. If not, the continuing measures will be additionally announced.