2024 Fall CBNU GLS Pre-Application
2024 Fall CBNU GLS Pre-Application
■ 1st Round Online Pre-Application: ~ April 5
→ https://forms.gle/pDWPEc8FxTEYvZLeA
■ 2nd Round Online Pre-Application: ~ April 19
■ Online Official Application & Document Submission by post: May 13 ~ 24
■ Check our CBNU G-Cruit before Pre-Application!
→ https://cia.chungbuk.ac.kr/board/gcruit/lists/key/479■ FAQ → https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n4du0wcZ5bWdTuNeLAeuLDqrYLDw0GJS3n_fcmov98M/edit?usp=sharing
[Pre-Release] 2024 Fall Application Schedule([선공개] 2024 후기 외국인특별전형 원서접수 일정)
[Pre-Release] 2024 Fall Application Schedule
[선공개] 2024 후기 외국인특별전형 원서접수 일정
We, CBNU OIA officially announce the application schedule for 2024 Fall Admission. Please wait until further announcement with our final guideline in early April 2024.
2024학년도 후기 외국인특별전형 접수기간을 아래와 같이 안내합니다. 최종 모집요강은 오는 4월 초에 공지될 예정이오니, 그 전까지는 현재 업로드된 모집요강을 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다
* HOW TO APPLY? (신청방법)
[Step A] Online Application(온라인접수): May 13 ~ 24, 2024 +[Step B] Docs Submission by post(원본서류제출): May 13 ~ 24, 2024 +[Step C] Financial Proof Submission by post(재정능력 입증서류 원본 제출) : (Domestic Applicant 국내 지원자) Aug 1 ~ Aug 23, 2024 : (Overseas Applicant 국외 지원자) May 13 ~ July 16, 2024
[CBNU_University Track] 2024 GKS-G Application
[CBNU_University Track] 2024 GKS-G Application
Application Deadline : Feb. 26.(Mon), 2024 9AM ~ Mar. 18.(Mon) 6PM(KST)
Where to submit
[28644] Office of International Affairs(N10-156), Chungbuk National University
1 Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju, Chungbuk, Republic of Korea
※ We do NOT accept scanned copies / Email or Fax
- CBNU: https://www.chungbuk.ac.kr / https://cia.chungbuk.ac.kr
- NIIED : http://studyinkorea.go.kr (Scholarships-GKS Notice)
- Phone: 043-249-1869
- E-mail : hyl0603@cbnu.ac.kr
2024 Spring How to Find My Student ID No.(2024 전기 외국인특별전형 합격/등록자 [나의 학번찾기])
CBNU OIA is announcing instructions for "How to Find My Student ID Number" Please find the attachment with your official name on your passport and birthdate to find your own student number. 1. In terms of 'Tuition Payment' and 'Dormitory Fee(Room and Board) Payment', you will need your Application number. (7digits)2. When it comes to your 'Course Registration', you need your own Student number to log in CBNU portal.(Gaesinnuri system)2024학년도 전기 외국인특별전형 합격/등록자 [나의 학번찾기] 안내충북대학교 국제교류본부에서 외국인신입생을 대상으로 "나의 학번찾기" 방법을 안내합니다. 첨부파일을 확인하시어 여권상의 이름과 생년월일을 입력하여 본인의 학번을 확인하시기 바랍니다. 1. '등록금 납부' 및 '학생생활관비(기숙사)' 납부의 경우, 수험번호(숫자 7자리)를 사용하시기 바랍니다. 2. '수강신청'의 경우, 개신누리시스템에 로그인하기 위하여, '학번'이 필요함을 알려드립니다.
A. Undergraduate(New)
: ☞ [Click] Check My Admission(Undergrad.New) Status
B. Undergraduate(Transfer)
: ☞ [Click] Check My Admission(Undergrad.Transfer) Status
C. Graduate
: ☞ [Click] Check My Admission(Grad.) Status
A. Tuition Payment Deadline
1) Period: Jan. 10~16, 2024 3:30PM(KST) (1 week during business hours only regular banking hours)
2) Location: All NongHyup Branches(※ Including provincial NongHyup branches) or Money wiring on a smartphone APP
B. Tuition Bill Print-out: Jan. 10~16, 2024 3:30PM(KST)
- Bill Print Out: https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin(◀ Click)
* English instruction is attached below.
* You must make a payment to the account number on your own tuition bill.
(Every student has different account numbers)
* Please complete the payment 2 days at least before the due date in terms of business hours since the process for int'l transactions takes a couple of days to go through.
* Information of Bank
Name of Bank: Nong Hyup Bank
Address of Bank: 1, Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Approval code: 304050
1) Period: Jan. 29~Feb. 2, 2024
2) Method: Via Gaesinnuri(개신누리) of CBNU Website https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin
3) Please talk to the department you applied for about which courses you should take before course registration
4) Reschedule of your course registration: Feb. 15~16, 2024 Mar. 4~8, 2024
1) Period for Payment: Jan. 30~Feb. 1, 2024(Graduate)
Feb. 22~Feb. 23, 2024(Undergrad.)
* All applicants must check out the website(https://dorm.chungbuk.ac.kr/) of the CBNU dormitory and make a payment within the deadline. If not, your dormitory application will be canceled. 2) The particulars of the amount of fee, account number and etc. will be emailed to the successful applicants.
1) Schedule Date of Admission: Mar. 4, 2024
2) Information on VISA for Admitted international students: [Please refer to the attachment, 2. VISA Guide] ☎ +82-43-261-3841 / minhakim@cbnu.ac.kr
2024학년도 전기 대학(원) 외국인특별전형 합격자 발표/등록금 납부
1. 합격여부 확인
가. 학부(신입학)
: ☞ [Click] 신입학 결과 확인하기
나. 학부(편입학)
: ☞ [Click] 편입학 결과 확인하기
다. 대학원
: ☞ [Click] 대학원 결과 확인하기
2. 등록금 납부
가. 등록금 납부일정
1) 일시: 1. 10.(수) ~ 1. 16.(화) 15:30까지(1주간, 주말제외, 주중 09:00~16:00)
2) 장소: 농협 전 지점 혹은 스마트폰 앱을 활용한 계좌이체
나. 등록금 고지서 출력: 1. 10.(수) ~ 1. 16.(화) 15:30까지
- 등록금고지서 출력: https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin(◀ Click)
* 등록금 납부에 관한 사항은 아래 첨부된 등록금 납부 설명서[HOW TO PAY THE TUITION]를 참고할 것
* 반드시 등록금고지서에 나와있는 계좌번호로 입금할 것(개인별로 계좌번호가 다름)
* 모든 합격자(해외송금)는 가급적 납부마감일 최소 2일 전 입금완료할 것(은행업무 처리기간 소요)
* 은행정보
Name of Bank: Nong Hyup Bank
Address of Bank: 1, Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Approval code: 304050
3. 수강신청
1) 일시: 2024. 1. 29.(월) ~ 2. 2.(금)
2) 방법: 충북대학교 홈페이지 개신누리 https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin
3) 유의사항: 수강신청 전 학과사무실에 문의한 후 수강신청 바람
4) 수강신청 변경기간: 2. 15.(목) ~ 16.(금) <2차>
3. 4.(월) ~ 8.(금) <3차>
4. 학생생활관비 납부
1) 기간: 1. 30.(화) ~ 2. 1.(목)(대학원 신입생)
2. 22.(목) ~ 23.(금)(학부 신·편입생)
* 추후 공지되는 충북대학교 학생생활관 공지사항(https://dorm.chungbuk.ac.kr/)을 반드시 확인하여야 하며, 기간 내 생활관비 미납 시 생활관 신청은 자동취소되며 이는 지원자 책임임.
2) 납부금액 및 계좌정보에 대한 자세한 사항은 학생생활관 신청자 이메일을 통하여 안내 예정
5. 입학일 & VISA
1) 입학(개강)예정일: 2024. 3. 4.(월)
2) 합격자 VISA(비자)안내: [※ 외국인 합격자 VISA(비자) 안내 참조] (☎ Tel: 043-261-3841 / minhakim@cbnu.ac.kr)
2023 Glocal Hope Scholarship(GHS) Application(~Dec. 25)
The International Student Support Team of the Office of International Affairs(OIA) selects 2023 GHS scholars as follows in order to improve satisfaction with residence and study by expanding scholarship support for foreign students from low-income countries residing in excellent communities and to contribute to strengthening the academic and research capabilities of our university.
○ Scholarship Type: Need-Based + Merit-Based Scholarship
○ Recipient of payment: Foreign undergraduate and graduate students of CBNU from low- and middle-income countries based on gross national income (GNI) per capita announced by the World Bank. (Please check the list of applicable countries via the attachment)
※ However, G8 member countries, EU member states, and countries with confirmed EU accession dates are excluded.
※ Includes all least developed countries (LDCs) defined by the United Nations (UN).
※ Excluding 57 upper-middle-income countries
- Nationality: 2022~2023 Foreign students whose nationality corresponds to one of the 85 countries eligible for government development assistance (ODA) projects designated by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (Please check the list of applicable countries via the attachment)
- GPA: Those with a grade point average (CGPA) of 3.0 or higher
- Academic status: As of now, students who have completed at least 1 semester at our university and are currently enrolled at the time of payment (January 2024)
※ Applicants who are taking extra semesters, have already completed all courses, or graduated are NOT eligible
○ Benefits and Coverage
- Vacancies: Approximately 70(operation may increase or decrease depending on budget situation)
- Amount: 250,000 won ~ 1,000,000 won (For a single time)
○ Grading and screening
- Your nationality and application documents will be considered
○ Screening method: 100% document screening
○ Online application: ’23. Until Monday, December 25th (Google Form)
- Scan the QR code below (https://forms.gle/M9egC2EhqtAykDLN9)
○ Document submission: ’23. Until Tuesday, December 26 (Forms 1, 2, 3, 4)
- Check the file attached below for the application forms.
- Submission Location: Office of International Affairs (N10 Building) Room 153, Admissions Welcome Center
○ Scholarship applicant qualifications (credits and enrollment status) screening: ’23. Until 12. 29. (Fri)
○ Applicant screening and scholarship grade announcement: ’24. In January
○ Scholarship provided: ’24. Late January ~ Early February
2024 Spring Interview for Undergrad(New/Transfer). Admission
2024 Spring Interview for Undergrad(New/Transfer). Admission 1. When / Where? 9AM Wed. Dec. 6, 2023(KST) Venue: Office of International Affairs II(N5) 3rd floor(https://naver.me/xxAAFzsf)2. How? In-person Interview(Video Call only for overseas applicants)3. Notes- If you are not answering, your application will be automatically canceled.- Please carry your ID such as a student card, Residence card or passport 4. Test Call: From 1PM~4PM Tue. Dec. 5, 2023(KST)* Zoom Interview Inquiry- Tel: +82-43-261-3841- Email: minhakim@cbnu.ac.kr2024학년도 전기 대학(학부 신편입) 외국인특별전형 면접 평가 안내1. 일시 / 장소: 2023. 12. 6.(수) 오전 9:00(한국표준시 기준) 장소: 국제교류본부 2호관 3층(N5)(https://naver.me/xxAAFzsf)2. 방법: 면접(국외체류자는 별도 신청 후 화상면접으로 진행)3. 유의사항- 화상면접 연결불가, 미응답 시 자동으로 불합격처리 됨- 신분증(학생증, 외국인등록증 혹은 여권) 필참4. 화상면접 Test Call: 2023. 12. 5.(화) 오후 1시 ~ 4시경* 화상면접 확인 문의- 전화: +82-43-261-3841- 이메일: minhakim@cbnu.ac.kr
Why CBNU? video Contest(Why CBNU? 홍보영상 공모전)
Greetings from CBNU OIA!
Office of International Affairs(OIA) is implementing a new contest of Video making about Why CBNU?.
We would provide all participants with scholarships, so please do NOT miss this chance!
For details, please scan the QR code or click the link below.
https://iss.chungbuk.ac.kr/home/sub.php?menukey=1676&mod=view&no=38664&listCnt=20국제교류본부에서는 Why CBNU?라는 주제로 소셜미디어용 홍보영상 공모전을 개최하고 있습니다. 참가하는 모든 유학생들에게 장학금이 지급되오니 자세한 사항은 아래 공지글 또는 위 QR코드를 스캔해서 확인바랍니다. https://iss.chungbuk.ac.kr/home/sub.php?menukey=1676&mod=view&no=38664&listCnt=20
2023 Fall CBNU Staff-Student Mentoring(SSM) Program(I)
[CBNU OIA] 2023 Fall CBNU Staff-Student Mentoring(SSM) Program(I)
[국제교류본부] 2023-2학기 외국인유학생멘토링(I) 참여 멘티 모집
CBNU OIA is announcing 2023 Fall CBNU Staff-Student Mentoring(SSM) Program(I).
충북대학교 국제교류본부에서는 2023-2학기 외국인유학생멘토링(I) 참여 멘티를 모집하고 있습니다.
This is about spending quality time and taking photos with CBNU staff members during lunch/dinner time or on weekends, holidays letting our Int'l students get to know more about Korean culture, academic info, and any questions you might have had more closely. (It might take a while for a match due to limited vacancies.)
이 프로그램은 충북대 직원선생님들과 점심, 저녁식사를 하며 휴일을 활용하여 근교여행을 가는 등 한국문화 및 학업에 대한 지원을 받을 수 있는 프로그램입니다. (단, 매칭가능 인원이 한정적이기 때문에, 매칭 완료까지 시간이 오래 걸릴 수 있습니다.)
If you are intrigued, please join us via the link below.
관심있으신 유학생은 아래 링크를 통해 신청하여 주시기 바랍니다.
* For who? Int'l students who are currently enrolled as undergrads. and Grad students at CBNU(Not available for Graduated students)
대상: 현재 우리대학 학부/대학원과정에 재학(수료)중인 외국인유학생(졸업자 X)
* Deadline for application: 6PM Oct. 1, 2023
신청기간: 2023. 10. 1.(일) 18시 까지
* Application link: https://forms.gle/dNdLNLpFiL3Wo5gb8
신청링크: https://forms.gle/dNdLNLpFiL3Wo5gb8
2024 SPRING Application for Undergrad./Grad. Admission(Int'l Student Only)
A. Schedule 1) Deadline for Application and documents: Oct. 16 ~ 27, 2023 6PM *There will NOT be any additional rounds for application. Please follow the above period. - How to apply: Via Online application
★ Please read our instructions(PDF) attached below for a successful application.
* Undergrad_New(Bachelor) ☞ [Click here] available from Oct. 16 * Undergrad_Transfer(Bachelor) ☞ [Click here] available from Oct. 16 * Graduate(Master, Doctoral) ☞ [Click here] available from Oct. 16
- Where to submit Documents : English - Office of International Services(BLDG N10) 1st-floor Admission welcome center #153 Korean - 충북 청주시 서원구 충대로1, 충북대학교 국제교류본부(N10) 1층 입학웰컴센터 153호 2) Interview for Undergrad. applicants: Dec. 6, 2023, 8:30AM(KST) 3) Screening for Graduate applicants: In mid-Dec. 2023 4) Application status Announcement: Before Jan. 5, 2024[www.chungbuk.ac.kr] B. Other schedules 1) Tuition Payment: Jan. 10 ~ 16, 2024 4PM 2) Issuance of Certificate of Admission(COA), VISA process : (Domestic applicant) Feb. 2, 2024 ~ : (Overseas applicant) Jan. 17, 2024 ~
3) Admission day: Mar. 4, 2024 C. Inquiry 1) Tel: +82-43-261-3841 2) Email: minhakim@cbnu.ac.kr
2024학년도 전기 대학(원) 외국인특별전형 원서접수 및 기타 일정 공지
가. 주요 일정
1) 원서접수 및 서류제출: 2023. 10. 16.(월) ~ 27.(금) 18:00까지 <2주> - 원서접수: 온라인 접수
★ 원활한 온라인접수를 위하여 아래 첨부된 가이드를 반드시 읽고 난 후 접수하여 주시기 바랍니다.
* 학부 신입학 ☞ [바로가기 클릭!] 10. 16. 부터 접속가능 * 학부 편입학 ☞ [바로가기 클릭!] 10. 16. 부터 접속가능 * 대학원(석사,박사 등) ☞ [바로가기 클릭!] 10. 16. 부터 접속가능
- 서류제출: 방문/우편제출 → 국제교류본부(N10동) 1층 입학웰컴센터 153호
2) 학부(신·편입학) 면접평가: 2023. 12. 6.(수) 08:30부터 - 면접방법: 대면면접
3) 대학원 서류평가: 2023. 12월 중
4) 최종 합격자 발표: 2024. 1. 5.(금)[www.chungbuk.ac.kr]
나. 기타 일정
1) 등록금 납부: 2024. 1. 10.(수) ~ 16.(화) 16:00 <5일간>
2) 표준입학허가서 발급, VISA처리 : (국내체류자) 2024. 2. 2.(금) ~ : (국외체류자) 2024. 1. 17.(수)부터
3) 입학(예정)일: 2024. 3. 4.(월)
다. 문의
1) 전화: ☎ +82-43-261-3841
2) 이메일: minhakim@cbnu.ac.kr
2023 Fall How to Find My Student ID No.(2023 후기 외국인특별전형 합격/등록자 [나의 학번찾기])
CBNU OIA is announcing instructions for "How to Find My Student ID Number" Please find the attachment with your official name on your passport and birthdate to find your own student number. 1. In terms of 'Tuition Payment' and 'Dormitory Fee(Room and Board) Payment', you will need your Application number. (7digits)2. When it comes to your 'Course Registration', you need your own Student number to log in CBNU portal.(Gaesinnuri system)2023학년도 후기 외국인특별전형 합격/등록자 [나의 학번찾기] 안내충북대학교 국제교류본부에서 외국인신입생을 대상으로 "나의 학번찾기" 방법을 안내합니다. 첨부파일을 확인하시어 여권상의 이름과 생년월일을 입력하여 본인의 학번을 확인하시기 바랍니다. 1. '등록금 납부' 및 '학생생활관비(기숙사)' 납부의 경우, 수험번호(숫자 7자리)를 사용하시기 바랍니다. 2. '수강신청'의 경우, 개신누리시스템에 로그인하기 위하여, '학번'이 필요함을 알려드립니다.
2023 Fall Dormitory Payment & Check-In(2023 후기 외국인특별전형 학생생활관(기숙사) 납부/입주)
A. Payment Schedule
1) Payment Period
- Graduate(Freshmen): 9AM~3:30PM Aug. 7 ~ Aug. 9, 2023
- Undergraduate(freshmen/Transfer): 9AM~3:30PM Aug. 7 ~ Aug. 9, 2023
2) Location: Any banks in Korea, in your country or wiring with App on your smartphone.
B. Bill Print-out
1) Each account number and price will be sent by email on the day before the first day of payment.
* Graduate: After 6PM Aug. 4, 2023
Undergraduate: After 6PM Aug. 4, 2023
* Announcement will be sent to the emails that applicants entered during application(www.jinhakapply.com).
* Please be mindful that each applicant is accountable for 'Payment Failure' as not receiving email from us due to email error, lack of inbox storage, being spammed.
Direct Deposit
(Remittance in Korea)
Direct Deposit
(Overseas remittance)
Nonghyup Bank
Approved code: 304050
Account No.
Will be sent by email on the above date
Account Holder
충북대학교 국제교류본부
Chungbuk National University,
Office of International Services
Address of Bank
28644 충북 청주시 서원구
충대로 1(개신동)
1, Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Will be sent by email on the above date
※ In terms of overseas remittance, the commission fee will be 30,000won.
2) You must make a payment to the account number on your own tuition bill.(Every applicant has different account numbers)
C. Check-In Date
1) Date/Time: 9AM~6PM Aug. 27(Sun.)~
- The first day of class: Sep. 1, 2023
- Residency(Length of Residence): Aug. 27 Lunch ~ Dec. 18, 2023 including breakfast
2) How? Please confirm your room number and pay 10,000won(cash) for the key deposit on the 1st floor of the dorm.
3) Please refer to the attached map to get here.
D. Inquiry
1) Dormitory(Yangsungjae(YSJ/BTL) with mealplan): ☎ +82-43-261-3675
2) Dormitory(Yanghyunjae(YHJ) with/without mealplan): ☎ +82-43-261-2932
E. Notes For Overseas Applicant
- Please complete the payment on the first day of the dates since the process for payment takes a couple of days to go through.
- Please add $50USD for possible commission fee in terms of overseas transaction.(The rest will be reimbursed on arrival after making a korean bank account.)
- The information on meal plans such as 5days meal or 7days meal can NOT change.
- Your dormitory application will be invalidated by payment failure for any reason.
2023 후기 외국인특별전형 학생생활관비 납부/입주안내(KOR.)
A. 납부 일정
1) 납부기간
- 대학원 신입생: 8. 7.(월) ~ 8. 9.(수) 09:00~15:30
- 학부(신입, 편입생): 8. 7.(월) ~ 8. 9.(수) 09:00~15:30
2) 국내 모든 은행지점 방문, 계좌이체(폰뱅킹, 스마트뱅킹, 계좌이체 가능)
B. 고지서 출력
1) 지원자 개별 가상계좌번호 및 금액정보는 납부일 전날 18시 이후 이메일을 통하여 발송 예정
* 대학원: 2023. 8. 4.(금) 18시 이후
학부(신입, 편입학): 2023. 8. 4.(금) 18시 이후
* 안내 이메일은 진학사 원서접수(www.jinhakapply.com) 시, 지원자가 직접 입력한 이메일을 통해 발송 예정
* 이메일 오류, 수신함 용량, 스팸메일함 등으로 이메일을 받지 못하여 미납되는 경우, 지원자의 귀책사유임
구 분
계좌입금(국내에서 송금)
계좌입금(해외에서 송금)
Nonghyup Bank
Approved code: 304050
위 납부일 전날 개별 Email 발송
충북대학교 국제교류본부
CHUNGBUK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Office of International Services
28644 충북 청주시 서원구
충대로 1(개신동)
1, Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
위 납부일 전날 개별 Email 발송
기 타
※ 한국 농협은행(Nong Hyup Bank)으로 해외송금 시 수수료 약 30,000원 발생
2) 개별 고지서 상의 고유 가상계좌번호로 입금해야함(지원자 별 계좌번호가 상이하므로 주의할 것.)
C. 입주일
1) 일시: 8. 27.(일) ~ (오전 9시~오후 8시)
- 수업 시작일: 9. 1.(금)
- 거주기간: 8. 27.(일) 중식 ~ 12. 18.(월) 조식까지 <113일>
2) 방법: 각 생활관 1층 사무실에서 키 보증금(10,000원) 납부 후 키 수령/입주
3) 학생생활관 위치는 첨부된 PDF 파일을 통해 확인 바람
D. 문의
1) 학생생활관(양성재/BTL, 식사필수): ☎ 043-261-3675
2) 학생생활관(양현재/등용관, 식사선택가능): ☎ 043-261-2932
E. 국외 체류자 유의사항
- 해외송금 소요시간을 고려하여 가급적 납부 시작일에 납부할 것을 권장함
- 해외송금의 경우, 수수료 발생을 고려하여 약 $50USD을 더하여 송금할 것(차액은 입국 및 통장개설 후 반환)
- 원서접수 시 지원서에 기재한 사항(신청여부, 식사 선택 5일식, 7일식 등)은 변경이 불가함.
- 위 정해진 기한 내 비용을 납부하지 않을 경우, 어떠한 사유에도 학생생활관 신청이 취소됨.
2023 Fall Additional Period for Tuition payment/~July 21)
■ Graduate
: ☞ [Click] Check My Admission(Grad.) Status
A. Tuition Payment Deadline
1) Period: July 10 ~ 14, 2023 3:30PM(KST) ★ Additional Period(2nd Rd.): ~ 3:30PM July 21, 2023(KST)
(1 week during business hours only regular banking hours)
2) Location: All NongHyup Branches(※ Including provincial NongHyup branches) or Money wiring on a smartphone APP
B. Tuition Bill Print-out: July 10 ~ 14, 2023 3:30PM(KST) ★ Additional Period(2nd Rd.): ~ 3:30PM July 21, 2023(KST)
- Bill Print Out: https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin(◀ Click)
* English instruction is attached below.
* You must make a payment to the account number on your own tuition bill.
(Every student has different account numbers)
* Please complete the payment 2 days at least before the due date in terms of business hours since the process for int'l transactions takes a couple of days to go through.
* Information of Bank
Name of Bank: Nong Hyup Bank
Address of Bank: 1, Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Approval code: 304050
1) Period: July 31 ~ Aug. 4, 2023
2) Method: Via Gaesinnuri(개신누리) of CBNU Website https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin
3) Please talk to the department you applied for about which courses you should take before course registration
4) Reschedule of your course registration: Aug. 16 ~ 17, 2023 [2nd Rd] Sep. 1 ~ 7, 2023 [3rd Rd]
1) Period for Payment: Aug. 7 ~ 9, 2023 (For New Graduates)
Aug. 7 ~ 9, 2023 (For Undergraduate New & Transfer)
* All applicants must check out the website(https://dorm.chungbuk.ac.kr/) of the CBNU dormitory and make a payment within the deadline. If not, your dormitory application will be canceled. 2) The particulars of the amount of fee, account number and etc. will be emailed to the successful applicants.
1) Schedule Date of Admission: Sep. 1, 2023
2) Information on VISA for Admitted international students: [Please refer to the attachment, 2. VISA Guide] ☎ +82-43-261-3841 / +82-43-261-3890
2023학년도 후기 대학(원) 외국인특별전형 합격자 발표/등록금 납부
1. 합격여부 확인
■ 대학원
: ☞ [Click] 대학원 결과 확인하기
2. 등록금 납부
가. 등록금 납부일정
1) 일시: 2023. 7. 10.(월) ~ 14.(금)(1주간, 주말제외, 주중 09:00~16:00)
★ Additional Period(2nd Rd.): ~ 3:30PM July 21, 2023(KST)
2) 장소: 농협 전 지점 혹은 스마트폰 앱을 활용한 계좌이체
나. 등록금 고지서 출력: 2023. 7. 10.(월) ~ 14.(금)
★ Additional Period(2nd Rd.): ~ 3:30PM July 21, 2023(KST)
- 등록금고지서 출력: https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin(◀ Click)
* 등록금 납부에 관한 사항은 아래 첨부된 등록금 납부 설명서[HOW TO PAY THE TUITION]를 참고할 것
* 반드시 등록금고지서에 나와있는 계좌번호로 입금할 것(개인별로 계좌번호가 다름)
* 모든 합격자(해외송금)는 가급적 납부마감일 최소 2일 전 입금완료할 것(은행업무 처리기간 소요)
* 은행정보
Name of Bank: Nong Hyup Bank
Address of Bank: 1, Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Approval code: 304050
3. 수강신청
1) 일시: 2023. 7. 31.(수)〜 8. 4.(금)
2) 방법: 충북대학교 홈페이지 개신누리 https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin
3) 유의사항: 수강신청 전 학과사무실에 문의한 후 수강신청 바람
4) 수강신청 변경기간: 2023. 8. 16.(수)〜17.(목) <2차>
2023. 9. 1.(금)〜7.(목) <3차>
4. 학생생활관비 납부
1) 기간: 2023. 8. 7.(월)∼9.(수) (대학원 신입생)
2023. 8. 7.(월)∼9.(수) (학부 신편입생)
* 추후 공지되는 충북대학교 학생생활관 공지사항(https://dorm.chungbuk.ac.kr/)을 반드시 확인하여야 하며, 기간 내 생활관비 미납 시 생활관 신청은 자동취소되며 이는 지원자 책임임.
2) 납부금액 및 계좌정보에 대한 자세한 사항은 학생생활관 신청자 이메일을 통하여 안내 예정
5. 입학일 & VISA
1) 입학(개강)예정일: 2023. 9. 1.(금)
2) 합격자 VISA(비자)안내: [※ 외국인 합격자 VISA(비자) 안내 참조] (☎ Tel: 043-261-3841 / 043-261-3890)
A. Undergraduate(New)
: ☞ [Click] Check My Admission(Undergrad.New) Status
B. Undergraduate(Transfer)
: ☞ [Click] Check My Admission(Undergrad.Transfer) Status
C. Graduate
: ☞ [Click] Check My Admission(Grad.) Status
A. Tuition Payment Deadline
1) Period: July 10 ~ 14, 2023 3:30PM(KST)
(1 week during business hours only regular banking hours)
2) Location: All NongHyup Branches(※ Including provincial NongHyup branches) or Money wiring on a smartphone APP
B. Tuition Bill Print-out: July 10 ~ 14, 2023 3:30PM(KST)
- Bill Print Out: https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin(◀ Click)
* English instruction is attached below.
* You must make a payment to the account number on your own tuition bill.
(Every student has different account numbers)
* Please complete the payment 2 days at least before the due date in terms of business hours since the process for int'l transactions takes a couple of days to go through.
* Information of Bank
Name of Bank: Nong Hyup Bank
Address of Bank: 1, Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Approval code: 304050
1) Period: July 31 ~ Aug. 4, 2023
2) Method: Via Gaesinnuri(개신누리) of CBNU Website https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin
3) Please talk to the department you applied for about which courses you should take before course registration
4) Reschedule of your course registration: Aug. 16 ~ 17, 2023 [2nd Rd] Sep. 1 ~ 7, 2023 [3rd Rd]
1) Period for Payment: Aug. 7 ~ 9, 2023 (For New Graduates)
Aug. 7 ~ 9, 2023 (For Undergraduate New & Transfer)
* All applicants must check out the website(https://dorm.chungbuk.ac.kr/) of the CBNU dormitory and make a payment within the deadline. If not, your dormitory application will be canceled. 2) The particulars of the amount of fee, account number and etc. will be emailed to the successful applicants.
1) Schedule Date of Admission: Sep. 1, 2023
2) Information on VISA for Admitted international students: [Please refer to the attachment, 2. VISA Guide] ☎ +82-43-261-3841 / +82-43-261-3890
2023학년도 후기 대학(원) 외국인특별전형 합격자 발표/등록금 납부
1. 합격여부 확인
가. 학부(신입학)
: ☞ [Click] 신입학 결과 확인하기
나. 학부(편입학)
: ☞ [Click] 편입학 결과 확인하기
다. 대학원
: ☞ [Click] 대학원 결과 확인하기
2. 등록금 납부
가. 등록금 납부일정
1) 일시: 2023. 7. 10.(월) ~ 14.(금)(1주간, 주말제외, 주중 09:00~16:00)
2) 장소: 농협 전 지점 혹은 스마트폰 앱을 활용한 계좌이체
나. 등록금 고지서 출력: 2023. 7. 10.(월) ~ 14.(금)
- 등록금고지서 출력: https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin(◀ Click)
* 등록금 납부에 관한 사항은 아래 첨부된 등록금 납부 설명서[HOW TO PAY THE TUITION]를 참고할 것
* 반드시 등록금고지서에 나와있는 계좌번호로 입금할 것(개인별로 계좌번호가 다름)
* 모든 합격자(해외송금)는 가급적 납부마감일 최소 2일 전 입금완료할 것(은행업무 처리기간 소요)
* 은행정보
Name of Bank: Nong Hyup Bank
Address of Bank: 1, Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Approval code: 304050
3. 수강신청
1) 일시: 2023. 7. 31.(수)〜 8. 4.(금)
2) 방법: 충북대학교 홈페이지 개신누리 https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin
3) 유의사항: 수강신청 전 학과사무실에 문의한 후 수강신청 바람
4) 수강신청 변경기간: 2023. 8. 16.(수)〜17.(목) <2차>
2023. 9. 1.(금)〜7.(목) <3차>
4. 학생생활관비 납부
1) 기간: 2023. 8. 7.(월)∼9.(수) (대학원 신입생)
2023. 8. 7.(월)∼9.(수) (학부 신편입생)
* 추후 공지되는 충북대학교 학생생활관 공지사항(https://dorm.chungbuk.ac.kr/)을 반드시 확인하여야 하며, 기간 내 생활관비 미납 시 생활관 신청은 자동취소되며 이는 지원자 책임임.
2) 납부금액 및 계좌정보에 대한 자세한 사항은 학생생활관 신청자 이메일을 통하여 안내 예정
5. 입학일 & VISA
1) 입학(개강)예정일: 2023. 9. 1.(금)
2) 합격자 VISA(비자)안내: [※ 외국인 합격자 VISA(비자) 안내 참조] (☎ Tel: 043-261-3841 / 043-261-3890)
2023 Fall Interview/document screening Announcement for Undergrad(New/Transfer). Admission 1. When? 8:40 AM Wed. June 14, 2023(KST)2. How? In-Person Interview(Onlinel only for overseas applicants)3. Notes- If you are not answering, your application will be automatically canceled.- Please carry your ID such as a student card, Residence card or passport 4. Test Call: From 1 PM ~4 PM Tue. June 13, 2023(KST)* SKYPE/Zoom Interview Inquiry- Tel: +82-43-261-3841- Email: minhakim@cbnu.ac.kr2023학년도 후기 대학(학부 신/편입학) 외국인특별전형 면접/서류평가 안내1. 일시: 2023. 6. 14.(수) 08:40(한국표준시간 기준)2. 방법: 대면면접(국외체류자는 별도 신청 후 화상면접으로 진행)3. 유의사항- 화상면접 연결불가, 미응답 시 자동으로 불합격처리 됨- 신분증(학생증, 외국인등록증 혹은 여권) 필참4. 화상면접 Test Call: 2023. 6. 13.(화) 오후 1시~4시* 화상면접 확인 문의- 전화: +82-43-261-3841- 이메일: minhakim@cbnu.ac.kr
2023 Companion Animal Festival(반려동물한마당)
1) Date and time: 2023. 5. 21. (Sun) 13:30 ~ 16:302) Venue: Cheongju Sinheung High School Stadium (229 Yulbong-ro, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do)※ In case of rain May 28. (Sun), it will be held at the outdoor stage on campus
★ Pre-Application Here! ☞ https://forms.gle/vujhgR2Kaebj2ocHA (Deadline 4PM May 19)
(2023 IEEE Authorship) Journal Paper Submission Seminar
IEEE Journal Paper Writing and Submission Strategy seminar is being arranged by Chungbuk National University Library with the support of BK21 Project, Graduate School Policy Office.
Interested candidates are requested to apply through the library website or the google form link (given at the end). The first 200 applicants can attend the seminar.
Application Period: ~ 24th May, 2023 (Wed.)
Date: 1st June, 2023Time: 10:00AMPlace: Room 105, E-9 Building, CBNU (Academia-Industry Joint Technology Research Institute)
Lecturer: Alex Liu (IEEE APAC Client Service Manager, Authorship seminar expert)
Content - Introduction to IEEE. - IEEE utilization and thesis structure format. - IEEE submission strategy and submission procedure. - Q&A * The seminar will be conducted in English and interpretation is provided during Q&A.
★ Application link
Google Form (English): https://forms.gle/8WV9oCgdnJ9SC7u59
2023 Fall Application for Undergrad./Grad. Admission(Int'l Student Only)A. Schedule 1) Deadline for Application and documents: May 15 ~ 26, 2023 6PM *There will NOT be any additional rounds for application. Please follow the above period. - How to apply: Via Online application
★ Please read our instructions(PDF) attached below for a successful application.
* Undergrad_New(Bachelor) ☞ [Click here] available from May 15 * Undergrad_Transfer(Bachelor) ☞ [Click here] available from May 15 * Graduate(Master, Doctoral) ☞ [Click here] available from May 15
- Where to submit Documents : English - Office of International Services(BLDG N10) 1st-floor Admission welcome center #153 Korean - 충북 청주시 서원구 충대로1, 충북대학교 국제교류본부(N10) 1층 입학웰컴센터 153호 2) Video/Call Interview for Undergrad. applicants: June 14, 2023 8:30AM(KST) 3) Screening for Graduate applicants: In mid-June 2023 4) Application status Announcement: Before July 4, 2023[www.chungbuk.ac.kr] B. Other schedules 1) Tuition Payment: July 10 ~ 15, 2023 4PM 2) VISA process and Admission letter: From July 11, 2023(After tuition payment) 3) Admission day: Sep. 1, 2023 C. Inquiry 1) Tel: +82-43-261-3841 2) Email: minhakim@cbnu.ac.kr
2023 ‘Study in Korea’ Supporters Recruitment
CBNU 「IEQAS」 ‘Institution Accreditation’ Accredited(2023~2026)
Chungbuk National University selected as a certified university for internationalization of education for 10 consecutive years
- Selected as a certified university for the 2022 International Education Competence Accreditation System (IEQAS) -
□ Chungbuk National University (Acting President Chung Eui-bae) has been selected as a certified university for the 2022 International Education Competency Accreditation System (IEQAS). As a result, Chungbuk National University has achieved the splendid achievement of being selected as a certified university for internationalization of education for 10 consecutive years since 2023.
□ The accreditation period for the 2022 Internationalization of Education Competence Accreditation System (IEQAS) is three years from March 2023 to February 2026.
□ Education Internationalization Competency Certification System is a system that the Ministry of Education recognizes universities with a certain level of internationalization competency in order to manage the quality of higher education institutions and attract outstanding foreign students.
□ For Chungbuk National University, in the 2022 accreditation evaluation, the illegal stay rate, which is an essential indicator, internationalization project plan and infrastructure, which are key conditions, appropriateness of student selection and admission, tuition burden rate, sexual violence prevention education completion rate, Korean law understanding education, study, life, and career and employment support, dropout rate, international student counseling rate, certified language proficiency, and satisfaction.
□ Universities selected as educational internationalization competency certified universities receive benefits such as ▲simplification of the visa issuance process for foreign students, ▲additional points for government-sponsored scholarship students, ▲preferential participation in overseas study abroad fairs in Korea, and ▲free selection of foreign students.
□ Dean of Office of International Services Jeong Jin-seop “The fact that we were selected as a certified university for international education competency despite the prolonged COVID-19 situation is the result of our university faithfully managing the quantity and quality of foreign students, and we will continue to do our best to create a university that foreign students want to come to. I will do everything.”
(Inquiries: Office of International Services, Chungbuk National University ☎ 043-261-3890)

Chungbuk National University Researchers Develop a Novel Method for Fabricating High-Quality and Non-Toxic Colloidal Quantum Dots
Image title: Multifaceted passivation strategy for developing AgBiS2 colloidal quantum dots
Image caption: This innovative strategy uses a unique quadruple-ligand ensemble to suppress the surface defects of AgBiS2 CQDs, resulting in a stable CQD ink and a substantial increase in the power conversion efficiency of CQD solar cells.
Image credit: Han Seul Kim from Chungbuk National University
License type: Original Content
Usage restrictions: Cannot be reused without permission
By utilizing an innovative new strategy, researchers significantly enhance the efficiency of solar cells made from AgBiS2 colloidal quantum dots.
As an alternative to toxic lead-based colloidal quantum dots (CQDs), AgBiS2 CQDs have garnered considerable attention for the development of non-toxic solar cells. However, these solar cells suffer from lower power conversion efficiency than their lead-based counterparts. To address this, researchers have developed a novel strategy to develop high-quality AgBiS2 CQDs and stable CQD inks. This strategy holds great potential for developing high-efficiency solar cells and ultrafast optoelectronics.
Solution-processed semiconductors are a special class of semiconductors that can be synthesized using chemical solutions. They have gained significant attention in the fields of energy conversion and optoelectronics. Among these are colloidal quantum dots (CQDs), which are nanoscale materials that can be used to make optoelectronic semiconductors. In these semiconductors, light is converted to electricity through the generation of charge carriers. CQDs offer a unique advantage for developing solar cells with high optical-to-electrical power conversion efficiency (PCE), thanks to the quantum confinement effect that allows tuning of their absorption spectrum from visible to infrared.
Conventional CQDs are typically made from lead-based compounds, which limits their commercial viability due to the high toxicity of lead. As a result, there has been a growing interest in nontoxic CQDs made from ternary compounds, such as Bismuth Silver Sulfide (AgBiS2) CQDS. Despite their high absorption coefficient, AgBiS2 CQD solar cells have a relatively lower PCE than their lead-based counterparts. This is due to higher nonradiative recombination losses, where charge carriers become trapped in defects within the material, dissipating energy as heat instead of electricity. Many strategies have been proposed to solve this issue, however, the surface properties of AgBiS2 CQDs are still not understood and an efficient solution-based and surface-tailored method for developing stable CQD inks is yet to be discovered.
To address this gap, a team of researchers led by Assistant Professor Han Seul Kim from the Department of Advanced Materials Engineering at Chungbuk National University, Korea, developed a novel method for synthesizing high-quality AgBiS2 CQDs. In this joint research effort, Chungbuk National University researchers revealed and designed the mechanism through simulation and a Korea University research team produced it through experimentation.
“Conventional methods to develop AgBiS2 CQD films introduce defects on their surface, increasing the trapping of charge carriers and consequently the nonradiative combination loss. We devised a novel quadruple-ligand ensemble using a solution-phase ligand exchange strategy to passivate CQD surfaces and address this issue” explains Dr. Kim. Their study was made available online on January 05, 2024, and published in Volume 14, Issue 7 of the journal Advanced Energy Materials on February 15, 2024.
At the core of their method is an innovative multi-faceted passivation strategy, in which a unique quadruple-ligand ensemble consisting of Silver Iodide (AgI), Sodium Iodide (NaI) Silver Bromide (AgBr) and Sodium Bromide (NaBr) is utilized in a special solution-phase ligand exchange process (SPLE). During this process, the ligands effectively replace the defects on the polar (100) and nonpolar (111) facets of AgBiS2 CQDs. This results in the multifaceted passivation of the CQD surface, ultimately resulting in the formation of a stable CQD ink.
To understand the role of each ligand, the researchers utilized the powerful Density Functional Theory for simulations. Their analysis revealed that the Ag ligands initially deposit on the two facets and further induce additional adsorption of Na ligands, resulting in multifaced passivation. This synergistic passivation results in lower trapping of charge carriers, thereby boosting PCE.
The researchers teamed up with a group from Korea University to implement this strategy in fabricating thin film AgBiS2 CQDs solar cells and photodetectors. The solar cells demonstrated a remarkable PCE of 8.1%, representing a substantial 53% increase compared to conventional CQD solar cells. Moreover, the photodetectors exhibited the fastest reported response time of 400 nanoseconds.
“These results highlight the potential of our strategy for fabricating high-quality AgBiS2 CQDs and therefore realizing high-performance optoelectronic devices. Moreover, our method is generally applicable to quantum dot material synthesis,” remarks Dr. Kim. “Our research opens the door to several real-life applications, including highly efficient solar energy harvesting, ultrafast sensors, and high-end imaging systems for medical diagnosis.”
Overall, this groundbreaking strategy contributes to the development of high-efficiency solar cells and enhanced optoelectronic devices, paving the way for improved environmental sustainability and potentially transforming energy consumption and electronics usability.
Title of original paper:
Multi-Facet Passivation of Ternary Colloidal Quantum Dot
Enabled by Quadruple-Ligand Ensemble toward Efficient
Lead-Free Optoelectronics
Advanced Energy Materials
About the institute
Chungbuk National University, located in Cheongju, South Korea, is a distinguished institution renowned for its commitment to academic excellence, research innovation, and community engagement. Founded in 1951, the university offers a wide spectrum of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs spanning diverse fields and maintaining rigorous academic standards. It is a hub of cutting-edge research, with numerous research centers and institutes dedicated to technological advancements, healthcare, agriculture, and cultural studies.
About Assistant Professor Han Suel Kim
Han Seul Kim is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Advanced Materials Engineering at Chungbuk National University. Her group is focusing on utilizing atomic-level simulations to explore and theoretically elucidate the properties of next-generation nanomaterials for semiconductor and energy applications. Beyond theoretical work, the group also employs data science and experimental methodologies to validate these theories in practical scenarios. This integrative approach combines advanced computational methods with real-world experimentation to advance the understanding and development of innovative materials. Before coming to Chungbuk National University in March 2023, she worked at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information as a senior researcher. In 2017, Han Seul Kim received a PhD in the graduate school of energy, environment, water, and sustainability (EEWS) from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).
Chungbuk National University Team Decodes Growth Process of Plasma-Assisted Epitaxial Silicon
Image title: Uncovering the growth dynamics of defective nanostructures of plasma-epi Si
Image caption: Scientists have elucidated the two-stage growth process of epitaxially grown plasma-epi Si and proposed strategies to customize nanostructure defects for desired properties.
Image credit: Ka-Hyun Kim from Chungbuk National University
License type: Original Content
Usage restrictions: Cannot be reused without permission
Researchers manipulate defects to enhance electrical properties of Plasma-Assisted Epitaxial Silicon and uncover its growth dynamics
Plasma-assisted epitaxy can grow single-crystal silicon (plasma-epi Si) at low temperature of 200 °C, whereas conventional single-crystal silicon is grown by the Czochralski method at approximately 1500 °C. However, plasma-epi Si usually shows undesirable electrical properties. Researchers from Korea have now explored the growth dynamics of plasma-epi Si to reveal a two-stage evolution. They also propose strategies to tailor the nanostructure for various applications, ranging from electronic devices, gas sensors, and lithium-ion batteries.
The fabrication of microelectronic components of widely used electronic devices involves several thin-film deposition processes. One of them is epitaxy, which can be used to grow thin crystalline films with a specific crystal structure and direction. When silicon (Si) is grown epitaxially using plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition (denoted as plasma-epi Si) a new material with a customizable nanostructure is obtained.
Although plasma-epi Si is a novel material, it has not garnered much scientific attention due to unsuitable electrical properties. However, since the nanostructure of plasma-epi Si can be easily manipulated, it can be used in various applications. In particular, nanometer-scale voids can be introduced, with control over both the quantity and arrangement.
In a new study published in Small Structures on 19 December 2023, Associate Professor Ka-Hyun Kim from Chungbuk National University and his team of researchers have investigated the growth dynamics of plasma-epi Si grown under various process conditions. “This research provides general knowledge on the defect nanostructure in crystalline silicon. In a departure from the conventional approach, we present a study on the hydrogen-incorporated nanostructure of plasma-epi Si and its growth dynamics, correlating the hydrogen incorporation with the defect nanostructure of the material,” explains Prof. Kim.
In the study, the nanostructure of the plasma-epi Si was manipulated by exploring different deposition conditions to grow films of different nanostructures. One of the examined conditions involved altering the relative flow ratio of the constituent gases, which influenced the concentration of atomic hydrogen. Theoretical simulations were conducted to support the experimental results.
The experimental observations of the study revealed a two-stage evolution of the nanostructure, characterized by different dominant nanostructure defects. In the initial stage, the nanostructure can be manipulated via the deposition conditions, resulting in a porous and interconnected structure that is dominated by voids, because of high hydrogen incorporation. In the subsequent bulk growth stage, the material growth is less sensitive to the deposition conditions, but evolves with film thickness, leading to the prevalence of isolated defects in the evolving nanostructure.
Based on these findings, the researchers propose distinct deposition strategies for different applications. To enhance carrier transport properties in electronic applications, it is recommended to suppress strain during the initial growth stage, alongside controlling isolated bulk defects. On the other hand, for applications involving bottom-up-grown Si, a consistent supply of strain during growth is suggested.
“Crystalline Si is a material widely used in the semiconductor and solar industries. Through this development of bottom-up-grown plasma-epi Si, we can expand the application of crystalline Si into various fields such as gas sensors, lithium-ion batteries, hydrogen storage, and even explosives,” envisions Prof. Kim.
In summary, these findings elucidate the growth dynamics of plasma-epi Si, a new Si-based material with a customizable nanostructure and porosity. Additionally, the researchers have suggested different strategies for optimizing the plasma-epi Si growth process tailored to specific applications. These results thus contribute to a deeper understanding of this material and pave the way for the identification of diverse applications for bottom-up-grown porous Si!
Title of original paper:
Dynamics of Plasma-Assisted Epitaxial Silicon Growth Driven by a Hydrogen-Incorporated Nanostructure for Novel Applications
Small Structures
Additional information for EurekAlert
Latest Article Publishing Date:
December 19, 2023
Method of Research:
Experimental and theoretical Study
Subject of Research:
Solid state physics, Material science, semiconductor
COI Statement:
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
About the institute
Chungbuk National University (CBNU) is one of the ten Flagship Korean National Universities, a term for institutions in South Korea united under the "Presidential Council of the Korean Flagship National Universities." Since its establishment on September 27, 1951, Chungbuk National University has grown to include 13 Colleges and 8 Graduate Schools. In 1999, CBNU achieved recognition as part of the Brain Korea 21 Initiative by the Ministry of Education. Additionally, in 2003, the university was honored as the top institution in the project fostering regional universities by the Ministry.
Website: https://www.cbnu.ac.kr/site/english/sub.do?key=1427
About the author
Prof. Ka-Hyun Kim is an Associate Professor at the Department of Physics at Chungbuk National University. The primary research topics of his group include thin-film deposition, material properties of low-temperature-grown epitaxial silicon, and the device physics of various semiconductor devices, with a particular focus on crystalline silicon solar cells. Before joining Chungbuk National University, he served as a senior researcher at the Korea Institute of Energy Research. In 2012, Ka-Hyun Kim earned a Ph.D. in Physics from Ecole Polytechnique, France.
TiTriple-Mode Memristor A Breakthrough in Neuromorphic Computing
This study introduces a cutting-edge advancement in the realm of memristors, electronic components that mimic the behavior of biological synapses in the brain. Unlike traditional memory devices that store information in a static format, memristors adapt their resistance based on the history of applied voltages, mirroring the adaptive learning process of synaptic connections in the brain that strengthen or weaken over time. Advancing memristor technologies, this study goes a step further by presenting a novel triple-mode memristor based on Cs2AgI3, featuring 1D [AgI4]3- tetrahedral nanowire structures. This novel theoretical/experimental design on the material not only captures the essence of both short-term and long-term synaptic changes, but also crucially modulates the migration of specific ions within the Cs2AgI3 structure in response to the amount of applied bias voltage. This unique mechanism allows for the precise simulation of synaptic behaviors, ranging from rapid, short-lived responses to consistent, long-lasting adaptations, directly linking the control of ion movement to the emulation of synaptic plasticity. When integrated into artificial neural networks, it demonstrates high accuracy, highlighting its superior performance as synaptic device. This breakthrough paves the way for next-generation neuromorphic computing, bringing us closer to new era of computing that learn and adapt like human brains.
Title of original paper:
Multi-ion controllable metal halide ionic structure for selective short- and long-term memorable synaptic devices
Nano Today
About the authors
Prof. Han Seul Kim: Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Chungbuk, 28644 Republic of Korea