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Support Institution

Headquarters of Employment Strategy & Support

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Headquarters of Employment Strategy & Support helps CBNU students make their dreams and ideals in their field come true by developing and operating systematic career-related courses and programs that make students design their own career road map from admission to graduation.
It usually operates the courses of career and employment, develops careers for improving students’employment, manages internship and work experience programs with related institutions, promotes overseas employment, and etc.

Major Functions

Organization Chart

Headquarters of Employment Strategy & Support 아래 Career and Employment Support Team, Job Opportunity Center, InternshipSupport Center, Global Employment Center

Major Responsibilities

Residence Halls table
Major Responsibilities Contact Number
Career and Employment
Support Team
  • to operate career/job related courses and programs
  • to operate work experience and youth employment policy
  • to manage the employment rate and related evaluations
Job Opportunity Center
  • to counsel career and employment, to manage unemployed graduates
  • to operate a variety of programs related to employment
  • to manage businesses for job opportunities and excellent human resource recommendation
InternshipSupport Center
  • to support domestic work experiences (internship)
  • to support overseas work experiences (internship)
Global Employment Center
  • to develop and support education programs related to overseas employment
  • to counsel overseas employment, provide consulting, to hold an overseas recruitment fair
  • to manage overseas employment related works like establishing the information system of overseas employment
+82-43-261-3557 (Europe)
+82-43-261-3556 (America, Asia)

※ the countries available to get a job via Global Employment Center: France, Germany,Russia, America, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, etc.