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Job Offering at Chungbuk National University (CBNU) Detail view
Job Offering at Chungbuk National University (CBNU)
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충북대학교 창의융합교육본부 초빙객원교수 채용 공고

Job Offering at Chungbuk National University (CBNU)

충북대학교 창의융합교육본부에서는 외부기관의 각종사업 선정과 관련하여 영어분야 교육전문가를 모시고자 다음과 같이 채용 공고합니다.
(The Office Creative and Convergent Education at CBNU is now seeking some highly-qualified ELT instructors as invited professors with the following requirements)

2017년 5월 23일
충북대학교 창의융합교육본부장
(May, 23, 2017.
Dean of the Office Creative and Convergent Education)


1. 모집인원 (Number wanted)












(Invited professor)


(English Teaching)




2017.9.1. ~ 2018.8.31.




September 1, 2017 to August 31st, 2018

(1 year)


(Native speakers)

 ▶ 3년 이내 연장가능, 3년 이후 신규채용 응시가능

* This one-year contract can be renewable up to two times. Those terminated by the two-time-renewable contract will also reapply for the current position.


2. 응시자격 (Candidate Qualifications)

? 국가공무원법 제33조 및 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 자

Anyone who does not violate the Article 33 of the Korean National Civil Officers and cannot make overseas trips based upon the Article

? 관련분야 학사학위 소지자 이상, 교육 및 연구경력 4년 이상

Candidates should have the following: (1) a BA diploma at the time of applying (MA in TESOL much preferred), and (2) at least 4 years of experience in English education at the level of official schools (college preferred)

자세한 사항은 첨부파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

2017. 5. 23.

충북대학교 창의융합교육본부장