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Biotechnology Research Institute

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Biotechnology Research Institute

Purpose of Establishment

Facing the 21th century when cutting-edge science has an effect on the entire society, all the countries of the world competitively performs research on biotechnology research whose technology is brain-intensive, energy saving, higher value-added and, non-polluting on the foundation of knowledge of life science. The government has selected the biotechnology one of the national core industries. Having legislated the Gene Engineering Promotion Act in 1983, the government has funded the Institute for Gene Engineering affiliated by the Chungbuk National University since 1985. Thus the government has built up and enlarged the national foundation for biotechnological research. In order to meet the national demand, the Chungbuk National University established the Institute for Gene engineering as an affiliated institution of the University in December 5th, 1986. Since then the Institute for Gene engineering has contributed to the efficiency of studies, maximization of practicality, growth and training of high-ranked research humanpower, and balanced development of the local community by collecting available research humanpower in this field and by constructing an organic research system. Then, the Institute was upgraded to the status of a legal institute by the Amendment of the Provision of Installment of National Universities. Recently, the Institute for Gene Engineering was renamed the Biotechnology Research Institute, which has made a lot of effort to carry out actively diverse life science research in the post-genome era.

Major Activities

  • Supporting R&D of the biotechnological area
  • Supplying biotechnology and training high-ranked researchers
  • Exchanging academic information and holding academic conferences
  • Researching services which are commissioned by external institutions