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Research Center for the Development of Advanced Horticultural Technology

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Research Center for the Development of Advanced Horticultural Technology

Purpose of Establishment

  • Development of sustainable horticulture industry and Construction of Abundant and harmonious rural area
  • Increase of research capacity and Establishment of efficient not work system among university, Research Institute, Industry and government.
  • Training of highly skilled experts who can directly work at horticultural area
  • Technology development using university research capacity
  • Extension of technologies required by local industry

Major Activities

  • Advanced horticultural technology development
    (On-the-go technology and Long-term assignment of university, research institute and industry)
  • Establishment of extention system for developed technologies
    (Training courses for each item, seminars and symposiums, site visit and discussion, plants sampling, Soil analysis and nutritional diagnosis, plant hospital operation)
  • Training and supply of excellent experts
    (Retraining of industrial workforce and graduate education, Accumulation of industrial experience of college students, industrial employment)